
Unimpressed Face

I was really trying hard to make this blog look somewhat attractive.  I was.  

If you take your eyes and look up yonder ^, remember how the original title of my blog was "5'1.5" is tall." and it was just plain orange?  Well I pimped it out a bit, and tried to upload the picture to the blog...

Like a complete butt trumpet it made the decision to become fuzzy, and I can't fix it.  I'm not really sure what to do now...

That's what it looks like, it's so beautiful for my first attempt to pimp this blog out (matter of opinion, I know, but I did try. I did)!

I think I'm going to leave it for now.  Hey, y'know if you step back a-ways, it looks better...I don't know.  Tell me what you think?  I'll probably take it down and just draw a unicorn and stamp it up there.  SO UNIMPRESSED.

Oh, also...I think this is the last post I'm doing for January.  I've done 40 apparently, and that doesn't seem proportionate to the amount of days this blog has been alive.  Thus, see ya'll later...until February 1st ^^ Love you loads!


So today I got back my FYISICS paper...I walked into class, sat down and proceeded to shake.  My teacher was a tad annoyed.

"Shush I'm marking your papers!"

My teacher assumed that I would actually be quiet, and not make an internal noise that sounded a tad like: MAAAAHHHH--AAAHHHHH-----AHAHKKKKKK...

"I'm serious. Shut up." WOMAN, STOP MARKING SO SLOW.

But then...it was time.  "Alright, Wallis...here."

I should add, that my loverly teacher was feeling a tad "under the weather" today.  So while she marked my paper, her face was void from any expression other than pain, so I assumed the worse...but...then the shock set in:

So this was the highlight of my day: I got an A* in the subject that is the bane of my existence.  I'M SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO JAZZED ABOUT THIS, GAAAHHHH!  I can't fully describe my joy in pictures, so just imagine someone coming up to you and telling you that you just won a lifetime supply of Asian food, then times that by infinity, and you might understand how I feel on the surface... ^^

But I also have to thank my loverly tutor, Connor. So I owe you one!  Thank youuuuuu! :D


PS: Nick, it takes time to make these. I hope you know that. Be happy with this terrible post.



Hippo-crite Alert!

My previous post had been about how anti-semi-formal I was, I know.  This post completely contradicts that one, because like asian food, my moods are very versatile (please don't ask me to explain this comparison, I will not).

However, I was extremely jazzed to write this post, and had drawings ready to go and be like: BOOM BANG SHABOOYAHH!  Unfortunately, events have taken place that have, simply, killed. my. buzz.

So I shall cut straight to the chase.

As you can probably tell, my insecurity levels were soaring.  I don't usually go around doing this sort of thing, I don't imagine many people do.  You might be wondering: "Who did you ask, you holder back of information!!??" And the answer can be found in a few of my other blog posts...got it? Yeah. Him.  Where I got the guts to do that is beyond me...anyways, now you might be wondering: "SO YEAH, WHAT DID HE SAY HIPPO-CRITE?!"


Yeah, I was rather happy about that outcome.  Extremely happy, in fact.  So happy, that I kinda skipped to the car that was waiting for me, and told my Mum. *facepalm* The things I do when intoxicated on hormone overdose.  However, my dearest mother was rather chill about it. So that's all good, she began asking questions like: "Is he picking you up? That's kinda protocol.." and all this other random silliness.  BUT...I kinda just stopped her dead-in-her-tracks and said: "WOAHHH! MUM, I'VE GOT MONTHS TO FIGURE OUT THAT CRAP. Let me just revel in this moment of 'heheheeheheh, I'm not really an old man!'"

I'm still really happy and whatnot, just a bit peeved off at a few things that have happened tonight.  Trying to stay totally awesome in readiness for my Physics and Math exams tomorrow...

HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH *hysterical laughing ensues* Phew...*wipes tear from eye*..that should be funny.

Also...I think it's kinda time I actually introduce ehm...the C.E....

His name's Connor.  

I can't really think of anything else to say.  Ha-ha, I just realized how awkward that introduction was...oh but here's a crazy fact about him: he LURVES Fysics...O_o

That's just...you know Wallis. Fysics? Wallis? They shouldn't even be put in the same sentence...but they have been recently, and it's scaring the heck outta me.  But for now, adieu!



Semi-formal my...siao-pao!

What's teenager-hormone-excitement-overdose inducing, in a few months, very daunting, once in (my) lifetime, and completely, aggravatingly, stressful?


Semi-formal.  The big shabang that all of my fellow peers look forward to all year, and plan their hair + outfits for, about a year or two in advance.  It is basically an evening of canoodling involving an awesome venue, good food, dancing + good music (hopefully), and friends.  However, one of the most important thing about semi-formal is, apparently, your date.

I, Wallis, am an old man:

Yes, yes, I know. You're so jealous, it's okay.  

However, back to the main story.  I'm not...I used to be excited about semi-formal, but then shiz happens, and you realize how important it really is because it's the first and last time you'll have THAT EXACT ONE, and how silly it is.  I am an old man, so I don't care obviously...PFFT. DANCING?? I DO THAT IN MY BEDROOM! But...I actually kinda am excited, a little..not much...sort of...eh...but here's what's been happening:


**Sidenote, do not disturb me while I eat my asian food, I swear to beejumblesbees. -__-

When trying to distract shallow girls use very shallow questions to fuel their minds. Simple rule.

So, yeah.  I'm having "getting-hit-in-the-face-with-a-freaking-pizza" moments very often now.  *MAJOR SIGH* My sassy gay friend (I do love him, I do, I do) is telling me to ask someone, but I just can't bring myself to do it.  There are many pent up feelings I have towards that whole gray area in my silly little life, at the moment.  

It's just...well...I can't exactly spell it out on here as easily as I used to be able to.  So we'll just leave this epic place in my life-book (yes, my life-book, you heard me) and consider sassy gay friend's advice...along with what everyone else is telling me to do.  I should probably start getting a move on, eh? 

Also: I may start to use 'eh' a bit more often, I have to get in practice for the land of the meese *sigh* Didn't mean to end on a sad note, but it is...

HALP ME. Comment, or whatever you feel like doing!  

ALSO (last thing, sorreh): There are little tick boxes at the bottom of each of my posts with little options like "amusing as...meh..." and whatnot, feel free to click on those and make little check marks appear :P What I'm asking for is your opinion, it would be nice to see what ya'll think.

Alright, love you all!




Just looked at my nifty statistics about mon blog:

I find this amazing <3 And am very happy about this...it just makes me giggle ^^ So thanks are in order: THAAAANNKKKK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!! :D LAVE (yes, lave) LAVE LAVE YOU ALLL!!!!



WHY HAVE YOU CLOSED THE DOORS? WHY? HUH? (Wallis dies in hysterics)

My Lara has sent me this video ^ and it is amazing. I plan to do this with some of my cohorts (Phaedra and Ante) sometime soon on the doors of the Assembly Hall.

Heh-heh xD




Meet the wife - my Asha.

I am married to a very interesting, amazing, seriously amusing individual, a Miss Asha Astronomical...

I'm going to make a little series in here just with quotes from her, because everything she says makes me giggle hysterically, even more so than usual...

I'll do and introduction on her in my next post, but for now, enjoy this:

Asha: "My son WILL figure skate!  I don't care if he is teased! I will kill the f**kers brave enought to mess with me and my baby!!"

Why does she want her son to figure skate? Well: Johnny Weir, the reason Asha wants her son to figure skate.

Asha's also decided she doesn't really want a daughter, so should she have one, guess who's coming to stay with Aunty Wallis for eternity? 

<3 You loads my dearest wife.


Sickly Dinosaur & Anniversary & B-A-N-A-N-A-S!

Happy Sunday World!

Yesterday was the one year anniversary to one of my (many) wives', but one of the most important: Freyja...

SO..to celebrate this: We Won't Run - Sarah Blasko (I love you Freyja!) Kinda missing her like I miss my missing capo.  Yeah, you heard me.  I can't find my capo, and I'm supremely pissed off about this fact.  If you're wondering what a capo is:

It looks like that, and clamps around the neck of a guitar, which changes its pitch.  Mine looks almost identical to that, except it's all black...like my soul at the moment because I can't find it!

On another note however my dinosaur's sick, and I can't do anything to help him.  "Wallis, you have a dinosaur!?", you might be thinking right now and yes, yes I do have a dinosaur.  His identity is going to remain a secret, like the turkeys (again you might be wondering, what are you talking about? And again...it's a secret, I'm sorry D: If I tell you, I'd have to kill you...or make you lose the...oh wait, you just thought of it...you lose).  This is what me and him look like usually:

He's in a grumpy mood right now, and since I'm about 100000 miles away from him (hyperbole, but...) I can't help him...I've tried suggesting a few things...

I can only do so much, eh? So now he's just "meh" and not really in the mood to do anything at all, so I'm just blogging (hehe, fun saying that) away, studying for my Chemistry exam tomorrow.  Not really sure how well I'm going to do on that exam...we'll see!

Grr. Just thought I'd whack down this picture here, show some variation in Dinosaur + Wallis relations:

Akshully, at the moment this is what's going on.  So...wish me luck!



Giving Up.

What if we stopped having a ball?
What if the paint chips from the wall?
What if there's always cups in the sink?
What if I'm not what you think, I am?
What if I fall further than you?
What if you dream of somebody new?
What if I never let you win, and chase you with a rolling pin? 

Well, what if I do?

Cause I am giving up on making passes
and I am giving up on half empty glasses
and I am giving up on greener grasses
I am giving up

What if our baby comes in after nine?
What if your eyes close before mine?
What if you lose yourself sometimes?
I'll be the one to find you, safe in my heart.

 Cause I am giving up on making passes
and I am giving up on half empty glasses
and I am giving up on greener grasses
I am giving up

I am giving up.
I am giving up.
I am giving up on greener grasses.
I am giving up, for you.
I-I am giving up, for you, oh-oh.

I am giving up.

Thought I should post something.  It's been two days, and today's Friday...so why not, eh?  Not really feeling great today, but there's always tomorrow, right?

Love you guys loads.


Subtle lyrics, exams, font upgrade?

Connie has introduced me to Ingrid Michaelson, a very talented indie artist, who I'm very much in love with at the moment.  She's keeping me sane while I attempt to "study" or whatever it is I'm doing exactly...(speaking of which, remind me to upload my drawings of me taking exams!)

Sort of - Ingrid Michaelson (Wallis loves very much at the moment)
You and I - Ingrid Michaelson (Wallis also loves very much)

Subtle lyrics make me giggle.  In "You and I" (second link ^^) Ingrid Michaelson uses: 
"Maybe I think you're cute and funny,
Maybe I wanna do what bunnies do with you,
If you know what I mean!"

Exams have been stressful.  Today I was the only person in my year that had three exams: Biology, Latin and History.  My right hand...my poor, poor baby.  It shall never function again.  It's a stump, literally.  I don't know how I'm typing with it, or even being able to lift my pinkie anymore...

Tomorrow, (almost there...it's 11:37pm...let's go 12:00am!!) I have English Literature and Latin, *sigh*.  No more, please!! NO MORE!!

I also realized that I have become nocturnal.  This isn't a healthy habit during school, and I'm going to stop it starting from NOW! Woah, check it out, I'm getting fancy with my font, Italics AND Bold AND Underline? Dang, what a boss.

Anyways. The end.


My CE Part 2: Why don't you be her boyfriend then?

"Alright, well I couldn't not post something today, so I thought: "Hey, why not at some ungodly hour at night, like NOW?" I promised this blog/blag (courtesy of Nick) would not be JUST about my C.E. (not calling it its full name anymore unless I have), but tonight has just sent me over the edge of despair into an abyss of....shi...take mushrooms."

That, my friends, was from the night before.  I was in a state of hysteria about this whole...thing.

Tonight, I thought I was going to be extra clever and make a status on Facebook, that made a reference to A Very Potter Musical (shall make a whole 'nother post about this wonderful creation).  Akshully, it's one of Ron's lines about how he feels towards Hermin ^^

...sometimes, I question how smart I am, and the choices I make.  Most of the time, I don't, and I end up with something like this ^.  Anyways, my loverly dubberly fwiends, made lots of giggles at me and my stupidness, but in the end...it all worked out...something along the lines of:

Me: Oh yeah, okay, cool. I'm chill man.

C.E.: I heard you had a status...
Me: Yeah, I tend to have those every now and then...like to keep things real fresh...

But in the end, folks, he was cool.  His only problem: that I referred to him as a bitumen.

Try and pronounce that: BITEEHCHH-YEWW-MIN.

As you can see, I am biting Darren Criss.  One of my fantasies is clearly stated in this picture.  I am nomming on Darren Criss.  **Apologies for the bad editing. It's 11:05pm, I have an exam(s) tomorrow, I'm not really paying much attention to details.


Yeah, that's me. Anyways, C.E. said something about another girl, that just...well it set my teeth on edge, because it was along the lines of: "She doesn't deserve that. She should have a good boyfriend, who treats her right"....


Seriously?  I'm sitting here, drawing a picture of a winged dinosaur getting hit by a pizza, and acting like a complete retard over you, and you're worried about someone elseee??? Alright, that's selfish. I'm sorry, that's mean...I'm a selfish.

*sigh* I'm sorry about all this ranting, I tried to throw in a few things so that you (whoever you may be, :D) wouldn't get too bored and annoyed, but I don't know how well I'm succeeding.  Love you guys loads by the way, don't think I've said that yet!  So love you guys loads, I'll try and post at least one each night!



FOF: French Oral Fail

This morning I had my first Exam thing: My French oral.  

Not to be arrogant, but I'm a generally good French student, and I love the subject/language, so sometimes you'll just find me spewing about in French.  So as the seconds got closer to the time when I was supposed to go in, the floors of the hallway began to tilt slightly, and turn a darker shade of yellow, and suddenly the A.C. sounded like a monster breathing down my neck, the sounds of my fellow peers doing their exam wafting down the corridor surrounding my head with angsty dragon things.  I think that's when I really lost it.  

Megan was there with me.  I could see the stress/anxiety/need for me to shut up while she was trying to prepare bubbling to the surface, and I decided: "Hey, it'd be a good idea for me to try and distract her from her nervousness and talk about other things! VERY IRRELEVANT THINGS!!"  I tried to tell her a joke I had heard, and it ended up with me giggling hysterically, and not feeling at all sane (as sane as someone like me can possibly be, THAT RHYMED, HEY!). 

Then came the time for me to enter the room with my teacher, who was waiting for me with the gleam of "OH HOH HOH WHAT HAVE WE HERE??!!" in her eyes.  

One thing I hate about going into exams, is when the teacher tries to do the whole: "So how are you feeling? Are you ready?" NO! NOT NOW, NOT EVER! SKIP THE PRELIMINARIES AND ASK ME THE DAMN QUESTIONS!!! But of course, I'm polite, so I simply put on a grimace and mutter out my: "Yeah, I guess..thanks. And you?"

So this is what went down:

I could tell she was unimpressed with the lack of words that were meant to be coming out of my mouth, especially when I'm usually the one having conversations with her in French, anyways!  But I needed time to answer the question, and I had already used the "Ehm's" and the "Bon question!", now I had to bring out the big one...

Hanging my head in defeat and singing: "Wonderful Night" by Fatboy Slim is never the correct thing to do when in a French oral exam, when you need time.

My teacher just shouted: "QUOI?!!" But you can't hear this part on the recording she made of me, so I guess it's alright.

In the end, she told me I did rather well, except my "Accuracy" was a bit of a failwhale! D: As long as I don't get a C, I'm pretty content! So now, I'm off to do some more "studying" and all that jazz.  I'll probably post one more thing today, and then I think I'm signing off for a few days, or something! :D


PS: Please don't ever follow my example when taking an exam, it's not helpful.

Wallis? Who the hell?

Just noticed I don't have a picture for my profile-y thing, so I HIIIIIIIIYYAAAHHEEEDD (karate-chopping sound) my study schedule and said: "THIS IS 10 TIMES MORE IMPORTANT!" and drew this:

It only has some of things that I hold dear to my heart, and some of the things I just tucked in there are actually super-duper important to me: DB's for instance...they deserve their own picture.

But for now, this is it :)

Lemme know what you think!


PS: First exam tomorrow, let's hope my French abilities suddenly attack my brain cells and get me a spiff-tastic grade, yeah! ^^

**My hair in that picture has blue/green ends, which is what it looked like before my school crushed my attempt to be individual and express my inner Harajuku self.  Even though my hair's black/brown now, when you look at it, your eyes automatically see the blue/green ends.  I know you do :D**

My mind? BLOWN.

Everyone's trying to kill Wallis...

Breadfish, and now this?

Gah. You all are killing me slowly effing quickly! D:


PS: Feel free to comment on these posts at any time, I feel like I'm just posting blah (my brain mush), so just...let me know what you're thinking! Cheers!


Appearing Offline

One of the most useful things Facebook/MSN/other websites like them, have equipped themselves with is the: Appear Offline button.  When you don't feel like being incommunicado with your friends/not-really-friends/frenemies, you just click on that nifty little thing, and BAM you've disappeared, but NOT REALLY.  It gives you some peacetime, and you can go off and do whatever without worrying (alliteration alert!) about paying special attention to what people are saying in real time.  

It is so useful at the moment!! 

Me hugging an "Appear offline" button, it looks very odd, but that's how it actually would look in reality, methinks.
However, I have been derailed from my original attempts to study like the world counted on it by things people have told me today.  And then I draw what they say out in cartoons, for example:

That is an image of me throwing a Grape-o'-Death at an unsuspecting whale.  

I might just have to destroy Paint off of my laptop for the next few weeks while exams are on, or else I'm going to end up with disturbing drawings, and many C's.

x (things are going downhill...)

Study Soundtrack, no more JB!

A lovely inbox I got from Lara this afternoon:

"Look at your music choice, then back at mine, then back at your music choice, then back at mine. Sadly, yours isn't mine, but if you stopped listening to Justin Bieber and started listening to some of these songs, your music choice could sound like mine, look down, back at me, I'm on Benjamin Walker with the music yours could sound like."

Ha-ha, hope has been restored! I may be saved! :D


Mindless Garbage

It's happened. I can no longer do anymore of this studying, without coming up with images such as this:

I was saying: "NOW I'M JUST DRAWING MINDLESS GARBAGE!" and immediately my mind thought it was healthy to have me draw a picture of a garbage can with no brain.

This is where I'm at people. This is where I'm at.


Peanut Eraser is evil.

I can't deal with studying anymore.  It's gotten to a point where I'm being distracted by an eraser that's shaped like a peanut...

I've moved it somewhere else, but I swear I can hear it calling me, "Hai, hai, WALLIS! I'm nuts! Heh-isn't that funnayyy??" 

No. No it's not Peanut eraser, now shut the heck up and let me try and pass my exams!!


My Boys

As per request from Nick, here is a rather crappy attempt to draw him and his biffle wearing fedoras.

I apologize beforehand, for my failure attempt at drawing hats, ha-ha!

**I didn't add the logo of Aeropostale or whatever on your shirt, man.  I can't deal with anymore squiggly lines xP & because the picture is so very large, I realize it's going to overlap the indexy thing...sorry...too tired to even care at this point! :D


Battle of the consciences!

Again, the picture says it all.  It's actually a battle of "MEGAN IS YAY-ing FOR WALLIS' "CONSTANT..." (ehmm..)" or "BLECH, WTD WALLIS! PHAEDRA DOESN'T WANT TO HEAR THAT!"
This is from a while back, so a tad outdated :P


The Ring, the Ring, the Ring of POWER!

Everything's pretty much explained in the picture, so you're gonna have to click on it:

I'll post the link to the actual song sometime!


Studying? What's that again?

At this ungodly hour at night I began looking over a few drawings I've already done, and noticed this one...

A very accurate description of my Christmas break, which actually was just "study leave"...

This is what my life has been like recently though.  

Wallis studying = Wallis eating asian food = Wallis becoming fat asian child D:

DO NOT WANT!! >_> 


Love me, love me, NEVAHR JUSTIN BIEBAH!

Many people would agree with me when I say that: JUSTIN BIEBER IS...GLASJDFJALMCIAOJSLKEJJLKASDFLKJALSJDF or <insert adjectives describing how you feel about people who kill puppies>.

I did, I was totally against Justin Bieber.  His hair, his personality, his music, his voice, his everything!  

As fate would have it, I'm beginning to *wince* enjoy his music, thanks to one of my friends.  Now this "friend" who I'm doubting calling anymore because of what he's done to my "ANTI-JUSTIN BIEBER" beliefs, sent me this:

Love Me - Justin Bieber (the demise of Wallis), to listen to. I, of course, was like: HELL TO THE NO, but I did listen to it.  


My friend is coincidentally Justin Bieber's twin.  When I say that I mean: HE LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE THE KID.  He at first didn't like him either, now he's planning to sing his songs and embrace his inner (and outer) JB-self. I don't know what to think!

In my mind this is what is going on:

On the left we have said Friend, on the right we have Justin Bieber, and in the middle we have a VERY distraught teenage girl, ME.

Love me, love me, fool me, fool me, oh how you do me! Kiss me, kiss me...OH NOOOOO!! HALP ME. :'(



Your mind?

What lurks around in the mind of a teenage boy?  One of the universal questions that lurks around in the minds' of teenage girls'.  I think that we all assume that they just "flugeling (banging things...)" on their minds'...ALL. THE. BLOOMIN'. TIME.  However, I like to give some of them the benefit of the doubt.  

That was a mistake.

I was told tonight by a boy (coincidentally the one that I rather am smitten over (that sounds so gross!)), that the three main things that inhibit his brain's cells' are: women, ice-cream and physics.

Bimbo, icy treat of life, my version of Satan?



I broke the Jar of Hearts...

One of my friends has asked me to perform with her for her (lots of 'her's') Music GCSE coming up soon.  She's been my friend since I was in Year 4, and of course I love her to death and wanted to do something awesome like that, so I said: YESSSS!! OF COURSE!  She asked me what I wanted to sing, and a few options were mentioned, then I said: "Hey, what about 'Jar of Hearts'? It has a piano accompaniment, and I can sing it!" 

It seemed like such a good idea...

This > Jar of Hearts - Christina Perri is what the song should sound like.  However, when I attempt to sing it in front of people...it's just...I don't...no.

This is what I sounded like: What Wallis AKSHULLY sounds like...

I'm kinda worried about killing her Music GCSE...but we'll see.  I KNOW I CAN DO IT...I KNOW IT! SORT OF! 

On the other hand..(*twitch, History GCSE*), here is the reason for the laughter at the moment: Cat vs Printer and I don't really care if you've seen it before, you have to watch it again because it brings happy bubbles to the surface! ^^

x enough now.